
Worthiness: the quality of being good enough or of being suitable or having value.
Let’s learn from a fruit today.
The fruit below is called a Jackfruit and it is commonly found anywhere in Uganda, families esp those in rural areas can choose to eat it for breakfast, lunch and supper. It’s so nutritious, delicious and readily available. But it doesn’t carry the high value price tag as I have seen in other countries.
In other countries, the Jack fruit is being served in many different ways; replace meat or chicken, snack ( dried fruit), taco 🌮, making jams etc.
Hope Balash Mak and I bought a small piece yesterday for $5 ( this price gets me 2 whole fruitsin UG) and katogo for $30 ( this price gets me a full bunch of Matooke/banana)
These 2 things (Jack fruit and katogo) are not that highly priced in Uganda but it doesn’t mean they are not worth.
If you sit down at a table and people fail to see your value, it doesn’t mean your worthless, look for spaces that are able to see your worth and Potential.